Phi Phi Island Sports
Phi Phi Island Activities | Phi Phi Island recreation and activities
Football, boxing, volleyball are the main competitive Phi Phi Island sports, favorite among locals as well as tourist. Jogging and the gyms in the various hotel resorts are often key for those who need to keep in shape but most sporty outdoor people enjoy the key Phi Phi activities of snorkeling and diving. Football is played on the beaches of Loh Dalum in Phi Phi Don main village and up near PP Natural Resort in Laem Tong. Local lads play most nights and even if you haven't the energy in the heat the skills on display are impressive. The main Boxing ring is at the Reggae Bar in Phi Phi Village and if you have the Dirty Sanchez in you, you can climb into the ring and take on one of the locals or even your friends. Winners get a whiskey bucket...! Volleyball is highly popular down by Ciao Bella on the beach at Loh Dalum. With Luciano's constant enthusiasm a net is strung up and games start from about 4pm till dark. Then it is a great time to sit relax and sip a cocktail as the starry night unfolds in true Paradise fashion. Jogging has been ever more popular in the village but due to the small area of flat land don't expect to do more than a circular mile before you find yourself back where you started...! In the morning before the sun gets up you see many jogging along the beach near Phi Phi Villa Resort and the beach near Phi Phi Cabana Resort. Phi Phi Island Water SportsWith its rich, sandy shores and stunningly clear waters, Phi Phi Island swimming is a popular Phi Phi Island recreation pastime. Sparkling green-blue pools of water and wonderfully clean beaches await you here at this incredible destination. There is so much to explore on Phi Phi just by swimming under the tall cliffs near Hao Raogute or taking a boat out to Bamboo Island and swimming off a near perfect beach. Swimming on Phi Phi Island is often more than you could have ever imagined! Diving and snorkeling are more exciting Phi Phi Island sports. Placid waters and exotic coral reefs greet you as you prepare to dive. If 'Adventure' is your middle name, you can even get up close and personal with sharks! Colorful cave fish and extraordinary sea plants await you and are all the more reason to partake in Phi Phi Island sports. If on the other hand you want to take the internationally recognized PADI courses for divers you would be able to take these new found diving skills any where in the world. Another way to see the sights while simultaneously engaging in Phi Phi Island sports is to take a kayaking trip. Various businesses offer guided tours around Phi Phi and its neighboring Island Phi Phi Ley. Kids can join their parents and lazily paddle along the crystal clear water or dive in and take a dip! Experienced kayakers can enjoy more difficult trips like cave kayaking that will push their endurance to its limits and provide great exercise.
Skimming Over The Hard Corals; Black Tip Reef Shark In The Phi Phi Shark Watch Snorkel Tour |